About the Role
● Positive Masculinity is a Non-profit company (NPO) so the compliance analyst will review
current regulations pertaining to NPOs and our current procedures to ensure that we are
strictly adhering to regulations and can retain our 501(c)(3) status.
● Assist in creating and implementing compliance policies for Positive Masculinity.
● Develop, initiate, maintain, and revise policies and procedures for the general operation
of the Compliance Department and its related activities to prevent illegal, unethical, or
improper conduct existing channels for investigation and resolution.
● Develop and oversee a system for handling of any compliance violations found during
the evaluation process.
● Stay up-to-date with compliance requirements and amendments to regulations.
● Prepare and promptly submit accurate compliance reports required by investors, funders
and regulatory bodies.
● Collaborate with all departments to ensure all shared risks are effectively managed.
● Conduct audits in accordance with agency policy to ensure compliance with state, federal,
city, and program requirements.
● Attend team meetings and senior meetings as required.
● Inquisitive and able to conduct research and analysis.
● Enthusiastic, leaving no problem unsolved.
● An independent thinker, personable and adaptable to changes in projects and priorities,
and can handle multiple projects.
● Adaptable to changes in projects and priorities and can handle multiple projects.
● An individual with a background in the insurance industry or working in the Regulatory
Compliance Department for a major insurance carrier.
● Able to research regulatory issues within the non-profit organization charitable sector.
● Exceptional with written communication
● Expert in verbal and written communication, email etiquette, the Internet, and MS Office.
● Highly motivated, detail-oriented, reliable, and organized.
● Able to work independently with minimum supervision and attend video conferencing
meetings whenever needed.
● Enthusiastic and grateful to have the opportunity to work with us!
● Tech-savvy and own a computer with reliable access to an Internet connection.
● Excellent in verbal and written communication, email etiquette, the Internet, and MS
About the Company
With over 30 years in gender education combined, Co-Founders Mac Scotty McGregor and
Drew Griffin started Positive Masculinity for heart-led masculine folks who want to create a
transformative path for masculinity in our world.
Our ultimate goal is to thrive on being our best possible selves. We offer private groups and
workshops that provide a safe space to address how societal expectations and conditioning
have affected us; as we strive to create a masculine model that is healthy and mutually
To learn more, please go to https://www.positivemasculinitynow.org/about-us to read more
about Mac and the team’s stories.