In Memoriam: Drew Griffin
By Mac Scotty McGregor:
Drew and I connected in 2017 when I ran for office in the city of Seattle and was looking for a campaign manager. We became fast friends and found that we had a great deal in common; we both had the drive to make a difference in the world, we both worked to eradicate shame around gender and sexuality, our dark-wicked at times-sense of humor, and our common love for both drag performers and sports. We also both loved being uncles. We had a joke that he was a "guncle" (gay uncle) and that I was a "truncle" (trans uncle). He was a unique, highly intelligent, driven advocate for those of us who do not fit into the norms of our day.
In 2019 I got a download from the universe-some might call it a vision. I saw many versions of masculine people gathered together for the purpose of healing and eliminating toxic masculinity and creating a healthier model of masculinity for all of us. I saw cis guys, trans and non-binary folks, straight, gay, bi, pansexual guys, black, brown, white, native, masculine folks, and many religious and ethnic backgrounds, all at the table doing this work together. The first person whom I shared this vision with was my dear friend and fellow agent of change, Drew. I shared this vision with him and asked if he was interested in working on this project with me. He gave me a big "Hell yes!" We then embarked on the journey of forming a nonprofit called "Positive Masculinity." We spent hours planning and sharing with one another how toxic masculinity had affected our lives. Then we started a once-a-month, face-to-face "Positive Masculinity" meeting, where we invited masculine folks to join us to do this deep, inner work.
Drew had a long, drawn-out battle with cancer; he was first diagnosed in 2012 and beat the odds many times. He battled two types of cancer, stayed fit and positive, and was open about his battle publicly in order to educate and help others going through illness. He became a patient advocate at the Cancer Research Institute, helping other patients stay positive and realize they could still contribute and live. He never let his illness define him, or get him down for long. He would always come back to the fact that he had too much to do in this world to spend time down about the obstacles before him. He touched the lives of many, and his spirit will live on in all that he touched.
Please read more about Drew in our tribute to him.